Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome to the blog

Religion is one the greatest sources of peace and comfort. It is also the cause of much suffering and persecution, as is the case when religious principles are taken too far. But the purpose of this blog is not to point out any particular war or persecution that has taken place. Instead the focus will be the rebuilding process of one religion that is on the brink of extinction according to some demographers: Zoroastrianism. Founded between 3000-6000 years ago in ancient Persia(, or modern-day Iran, Zoroastrianism preached that the only righteous path in life was through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. It was a prospering and peaceful religion under such rulers as Cyrus the Great, but unfortunately after the Arab invasions in the 7th century, Zoroastrianism was discouraged and Islam became the dominant religion in Persia. Presently, the largest population of Zoroastrians is in India, and go by the name of Parsi. The percentage that inhabits present-day Iran is less than 2%, although it is a common perception is that the total number is not accurately reported for fear of not being Muslim (CIA). The world population of Zoroastrians is an estimated 200,000 as of the beginning of 2008 (

Zoroastrianism has persisted to exist, but one major concern amongst the remaining population is the marriage of Zoroastrians to non-Zoroastrians. One reason for hope is the number of people dedicated to establishing centers for research and knowledge of the ancient Zoroastrian culture around the world. Such centers exist in Tajikistan, Australia, Belgium, and one was recently built in Paris, France. As a result, many Iranians are seeking refuge outside Iran to be able to enjoy religious freedom. In turn, Europeans, Muslims or otherwise are becoming knowledgeable in the religion. The interest in Zoroastrianism lies in the fact that although it is an ancient religion, it is very progressive and mind-oriented. The basic rights of humans such as freedom of choice, equality of men and women, righteousness, friendship and pursuit of individual happiness are highly respected. With time and devoted followers, the anciently prominent religion can once again become well-known as more and more people become informed of its values.

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